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Dogs and chocolate

Myth or Reality ?

Dogs and chocolate: Myth or reality?

Easter is approaching 🎇, and with it, the mountains of chocolate that invade our homes! But did you know that chocolate poisoning is one of the most common issues in dogs during this time? So, myth or reality: is chocolate really dangerous for your pup?

Why is chocolate toxic to dogs?

It’s a fact: chocolate can be deadly for our four-legged friends 💔 The reason? Theobromine, a molecule found in cocoa, disrupts their heart rhythm and can even lead to their death. Unlike us, dogs have a hard time eliminating it, which makes it highly toxic to them.

Are all chocolates to be banned?

The toxicity of chocolate varies depending on its cocoa content:

- Dark chocolate: Very high in theobromine, it is the most dangerous. Just 20g of dark chocolate can be fatal for a 10kg dog!

- Milk chocolate: Less rich in cocoa, it is still toxic. 100g is enough to cause severe poisoning in a 10kg dog.

- White chocolate: Good news, it contains almost no theobromine. But be careful, it is still fatty and sugary, so it should be avoided too!

How to prevent poisoning?

During Easter (and all year round, for that matter), make sure your dog cannot access chocolates left unattended. Store chocolate eggs, bunnies, and bars out of reach and inform the whole family about the risks.

📢 If your dog has eaten chocolate: don't waste any time, call your veterinarian immediately! The first signs of poisoning include restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors.

A safe and delicious alternative!

Good news: there are alternatives to make your dog happy 🌟! You can find an ultra-simple and quick recipe for biscuits specially designed for your furry friend. A way to celebrate Easter together, safely! 

So, ready to trade chocolate for 100% dog-friendly treats?🐶😉  🚀

Victoria Thissen

Dog Trainer & Behaviorist at Mopets

Dog Biscuit Recipe: Simple, Quick, and Healthy!